Incriaysc is a platform for searching any word using JavaScript. It is designed to help English learners easily understand the meaning of specific words. Built with JavaScript and Tailwind.
React JS
ENews is a project implementing an API using React JS, designed to make online reading more interactive. We provide news from platforms like CNN, BBC, CNBC, and VOA, all of which offer high-quality and popular news content. We hope you enjoy reading the news, finding it both informative and useful. This project is built with React JS
React JS
Dribble API is an implementation of the Dribble API.
Github User Tracker
This app is an API implementation project built with JavaScript. You can search for any users who are already logged in, and results will be automatically displayed based on the user's account presence. You can also retrieve user information such as followers, name, repositories, following count, and status. Built with JavaScript and Bootstrap.
Next JS
My Portfolio
This is my portfolio, where I showcase my projects and skills in web development and programming. If you'd like to get in touch, feel free to contact me. I'm always open to discussing new opportunities, collaborations, or simply sharing knowledge.
Engxzu, English Learning Platform
Engxzu is an English learning platform from Indonesia owned by Ladies Of Twins. Founded in 2021 by Elvina Firmansyah with her twin sister, Elvira Firmansyah. Engxzu is an online learning application that provides a place to learn English, which will help students for solving problems in learning English. Made by Bootstrap
UI/UX Design
This is one of my posts on Dribble.
UI/UX Design
Shoes App
This is one of my posts on Dribble.
UI/UX Design
Shoes App
This is one of my posts on Dribble.
UI/UX Design
Wallet App
This is one of my posts on Dribble.
UI/UX Design
Online Course App
This is one of my posts on Dribble.